Wednesday, February 5, 2014

And now I know why there is adhesive card stock!

I saw a really cool grandparent's printable on Pinterest that someone was selling on Etsy, so I thought I would try my hand at something similar.  This is the pin that I saw from JackandJillyDesigns on Etsy:

My mother in-law has four grandkids and I think that there are no more coming, so I thought this would be a cute thing to try.  I found a quote on a similar designed stating "My greatest blessings call me Grandma."  I know my mother in-law laments never finding anything with "Grammie" on it, so personalizing this is something she would really appreciate. I used my Silhouette Cameo to design and cut out something like this and use the middle square as a picture frame.  I wanted to add more pops of color so I added scraps of paper behind the cut out area.  I thought this would be pretty simple, however, finding the fonts that worked well together and the sizes and all that was a little harder than I thought.  Then, I stupidly cut it out on card stock. I had to hand glue all the little insides of the letters.  Wow, I learned something on that one: Adhesive card stock is worth it!  Also, maybe a printable isn't so bad!  It would probably have looked nicer since on the really thing cursive font, it kind of gummed up the paper, particularly on the "s" and "g".
This is my product, with out the picture in it or having it in a frame yet, but you get the idea.


  1. CONGRATS on your Silhouette blog win!

    1. I didn't even know I won. Thanks! Also, thanks for being the first person EVER to come to my blog and make a comment! I did the happy dance :)
