Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Let the Exercising Begin!

At 3:15am, my youngest son walked into my bedroom calling my name. It was a first for me.  My older son (4 years old) has yet to realize that he has the ability to get out of bed on his own accord.  Don't ask me why he's that way.  We didn't tell him he couldn't get out of bed on his own, we just never really said that he could.  I thought maybe I would be lucky enough for kid number two to get the same message since they share the same bedroom and since moving him to a toddler bed last week, he hadn't gotten out of bed on his own either.  I knew it was too good to be true, but I count my blessings that transitioning him to a toddler bed was no big deal!
Anyway, after attempting to sleep with him in our bed, he and I gave up at 5:30am and went downstairs so he could watch garbage trucks on YouTube and I could start my New Year's Resolutions.  Well, I did it!  I exercised!  I set up the desktop in the guest room this week and there is actually enough room to do some exercising.  I found a 5 minute ab workout on YouTube through Pinterest.

It's actually quite good.  My toddler son made it a little extra challenging by sitting on me. I felt so energized, I thought I would try another 5 minute video (Like my son, my attention span is short.)  I tried the 5 minute inner thigh workout.  Wow, I didn't know there were that many thigh muscles.  I may actually do these exercises again tomorrow (but don't hold your breath!)

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