Thursday, January 30, 2014

Holy Motivation!

Well, I have been pretty motivated tonight!  It's like I'm bordering on mania!  After supper I made two meals to be used as left overs out of things I needed to use up in the fridge before the expiration date (I thought bulk cottage cheese from Sam's Club was a good idea...opps!)
So I made creamy carrot soup from this pin from Pioneer Woman.  I cheated and didn't use raw carrots, but I did use up 4 cans of carrots that my mother in-law gave me that a friend had given her.  I was able to make the soup in minutes by putting it all in the blender!  It was great!
pioneer woman's picture...mine went straight to tupperware.

I also made manicotti.  I made up the recipe after reading a few others.  I put a bunch of cottage cheese in the blender and added spices and a little spaghetti sauce and put it in the in the cooked manicotti noodles then placed that in the over for 10 minutes and ta-da! (picture from before it was cooked.)

My greatest feat was that I did the taxes.  We finally got my husbands W-2 today.  I think I got it all entered correctly and we don't have to pay in this year!! YAY!

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